
Baboró International Arts Festival 2023

Playful Printmaking

What makes a drawing?

How can drawing connect us with others?

How does art help us look closely at what’s around us?

Join Baboró Outreach Artists Bryony Hussey and Sorcha Ní Chronín to find out!

During our Playful Printmaking workshop we will teach you different ways of printing pictures,making stories & sharing art.

The workshop will use a mixture of everyday materials to get you thinking outside of the box about making marks and working together as a group.

This workshop is experimental, inquisitive and playful.

National Gallery Of Ireland

Re-telling the prodigal story

Apollo Project joined forces with four young women at SWAN Youth Service in Ballybough Dublin to create a digital response to the story of the Prodigal Son.

During the second lockdown of 2020, myself and four young women Heidi, Kelis, Lexie and Ruby, met online each week from Norwich and Dublin. We responsed to National Gallery of Ireland Murillo: the Prodigal Story Restored exhibition and the biblical parable itself. 

Together we made books, drawings, monoprints and paintings exploring what the Prodigal story might look like if it took place in 2020 Dublin, Ireland.

View publication in full on the National Gallery Of Ireland website.

Creative Ireland

Saint Laurence National School, Chapelizod

Artist Educator

Puppet workshop (Zoom) | May 2020

Saint Laurence National School, Chapelizod (Dublin 15)

Creative Ireland

I delivered two remote workshops for primary pupils, juniors (ages 5-8) and seniors (9-12). Each workshop focused on practical skills in pupptry as a starting-point in a series of remote lessons on Script-Writing, Stage Construction etc culminating in the pupils performing their own Puppet Shows.

My workshops focused on creating a variety of paper puppets each with different possibilities for movement i.e. finger, hand etc. We also looked at character development informed by this movement in order to aid their theatrical narrative. Above is a still from one of the Puppet Shows using paper hand puppets.  

National Gallery Of Ireland

Catching Shadows

Artist Educator

Family workshop, December 2019

A two-hour workshop inspired by the National Gallery of Ireland's exhibition Moment in Time exploring cameraless photography techniques for children under 5 and their families. During the session we looked at the history of photography, with a particular focus on female artists in the Moment in Time exhibit and how we might take inspiration from them to make our own cameraless portraits.

We asked ourself can an absence of light be as revealing as light itself? Participants created their own cameraless portraits using OHP's and card to cast shadows of their silhouettes.

National Gallery Of Ireland


Artist Educator

Family workshop, September 2019

A two-hour workshop aimed at opening the door to creative DIY publishing for children. During the session we explored feelings around landscapes, homsteads, communal and public spaces through self-publsihing, bookbinding, printmaking and collage, discussion and shared experiences.

Participants took inspiration from National Gallery of Ireland's permanent painting collection and created their own homelands in a pamphlet style A3 books and flag books as shown in the image above.

National Gallery Of Ireland

Artist Educator

Family workshop, June 2019

A two hour workshop inspired by National Gallery of Ireland's Shaping Ireland exhibition We explored Dublin's changing landscape. We explored changes in economic, social and architectural aspects of Dublin's landscape. Participants responded by creating their own Thaumatrope animations. A Victorian optical illusion game using 2 frames. We used a piece of card and some rubber bands, as seen in the gif above to make our own thaumatrope's of Dublin.

Todler Takeover by Early Childhood Creativity Ltd

Artist Facilitator

Toddler Takeover family event, May 2019

Over 3 days, with a combination of book-in and free drop-in events, and an addition Sensory Toddler Day, children were invited to explore sound, movement and tactility. Draíocht arts centre transformed it's building into an immersive space for adventure through story, visual arts, music, circus and dance for young children creating artworks, theatre and games together. 

Early Childhood Creativity Ltd

Artist Facilitator

Outdoor family event, April 2019

Over the easter weekend a team of artists delivered drop-in art workshops to over 2,000 members of the public. The aim of the workshops was to stimulate and support the naturally creative, poetic, philosophical and curious intelligences of the young child, mainly through immersive installation, sculpture, drawing and storytelling.

I ran a badge making stall and a finger puppet stall, whilst lending a hand in the easter egg hunt and various games available across the site.

Clay club with Mildmay Care Home

Creative Coordinator

Weekly workshops, Feb - July 2018

From February to June of 2018 I coordinated weekly sessions in Mildmay Care Home in Islington. Acting as a liaison between artist Ben Owens, the residents and staff of Mildmay and Cubbit's education department, I support inclusive and creative clay workshops for over 60 residents aged 68 - 92. The workshopsaimed at reducing isolation through meaningful engagement and participation.

Their artworks were then documented by Ben Owens and displayed as a video at Islington town hall as part of Cubitt's annual summer ball in July. 

THIS Education

THIS Education Programme | 2015 - 2018

Artist Facilitator

Monthly workshops with Tottenham Hale Boys Brigade

Monthly workshops for young people at Tottenham Boys Briggade and The Engine Room - youth organisations local to Tottenham Hale International Studios known as THIS. We focused primarily on collage, printmaking, animation and film. Sometimes inviting artists and practitioners to Tottenham to present their practice and share new skills with the young people. 

THIS Education

THIS Education Programme | 2017 - 2018

Artist Facilitator

Monthly workshops with Ermine Road Community Hub

I delivered weekly workshops for adults with learning difficulties at

Ermine Road Community Hub a day centre supporting adults with

Learning Disabilities, Complex Needs and Autism. The projects were participants led sessions exploring sculputre, printmaking, drawing and music.

These sessions were supported by the wonderful Arts coordinator at Ermine Road who graciously opened the doors to THIS studio artists.

National Citizens Service

"The Challenge" Programme

Film and Art Practitioner

Summer programmes across north and east London community youth groups, June - Aug 2017

During the summer of 2017 I facilitated multiple intergenerational projects between young people aged 15 – 18 and older people aged 65 and over. All projects involved social action and art-making with care home users in North East London. I devised inclusive and engaging curriculum aimed at developing their social entrepreneurial skills and artistic skills.

Leading two visits, with each group, to a local care homes the young people used their new creative skills to interact with elderly service users. The project connected elderly service users with a younger audience and help the young people see clearly how important arts and engagement are for elderly people in their community to combat prejudice, social isolation and loneliness.

The art-making ended up playing a minor role to the larger narrative of young people engendering and co-developing social actions to support the needs of the respective care homes and both their staff and users. 

DIY printing for Islington teachers

Artist Facilitator

Teachers CPD: Monoprinting, April 2018

One day CPD workshop hosted by Cubitt Artists Ltd for Islington based teachers using a variety of techniques to create monoprints. This workshop was a continued professional development opportunity for primary school teachers, secondary school teachers and technicians in Islington schools to meet and skill share.

Community Arts Spring Salon

Artist Facilitator & exhibitor, March 2017

An exhibtion of artworks by participants and educators from Cubitt Education's 2017 community arts programmes.

On display was a short film and monoprints made during my time working with the young artists from Institute of Anything.

Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design

Associate Lecturer

CaW research | 2014 - 2018 

Cultures of Resilience was a UAL research inititiative

investigating narratives, values and ideas around resilisence. Myself and 8 other graduates explored how fine art practice could be a form of resilience. Our research outputs included seminars, performances, workshops, exhibtions, conferences and publications. The project was UAL wide and included many opportunities for exchange and collaboration on how to improve the resilience of the socio-technical systems which we researched.

Futurians at Emerson Vallery Primary School

Artist Facilitator, weekly workshops September - November 2015

Supporting year 5 students at Emerson Valley primary school, ages 9 -10, to develop a portraiture project titled “Futurians”.

I co-developed a curriculum with Milton Keynes Art Centre and delivered

it during weekly sessions conducted during school hours whilst classroom teachers were given CPD. The outcomes were exhibited in the gallery and presented to the student, their families and the general public.

Art Club for 10-15 at Highgate Wood school

Workshop Leader, weekly workshops 2016 - 2017

Supporting weekly after school clubs for a group of 15 young girls aged 11 - 16.

The projects were in a fun and informal atmosphere encouraging young people to channel their own creativity, try new techniques and make a good mess. Activities varied from spray-painting to sculpture, puppetry to prosthetics, costume design to claymation.

ATM Crime Prevetion Research Centre, UAL 

Artist Facilitator

Weekly workshops, September - October 2014

Working on behalf of Design Against Crimes, in collaboration with RBS, Natwest and Camden Council, myself and two other CSM students delivered weekly sessions to local sixth formers at Regents High School. The project was to develop artworks aimed at reducing ATM crimes. By generating behaviourial changes through design. Students embeded perspective drawing and were able to create intervensions which helped deter ATM crime, at a unit cost substantially lower than crime prevention services typically delivered by ATM centred measures and technologies.

This project was installed in 6 sites at ATM's across Camden and Westminister. 

Art, Music & Business collaboration

Art & Photography Technician

April 2016 - April 2018

Working with ages 12 - 18

I supported in classroom learning, developed after school clubs, developed photography ciriculum and student participation in art awards through community arts projects working with external partners: Cubitt Artists Ltd., Barbican, Wellcome Collection and Hoxton Hall. 

Institute of Anything

Cubitt Education Programme | November 2016

Artist Facilitator

Peripheral Impressions workshop with youth group aged 13 - 19

Workshop using a variety of media to create impressions of our surroundings as we walked around the Kings Cross development, responding to London's architecture and the changes to London's privately owned public spaces.

Techniques include rubbings, walking, photography, collage, monoprinting and layering these techniques to develop our overall impressions. The young people had the opportunity to share their monoprints in an exhibition at Cubitt's annual Spring Salon.

CSM Museum & Study Collection

KX Archive Project | Sept 2012 - July 2013

Curatorial Assistant 

During my Diploma in Professional development I set out to create the foundations of an archive focusing on recording the impact of Central Saint Martins move to Kings Cross (often referred to as KX). The project was in response to the archive's mapping the move archive created prior to relocation.

KX Archive Project manifested as both an online and physical archive and exhibition. I curated three exhibitions of staff and student contributions across 8 weeks at the Lethaby Gallery. During my time at CSM Museum and Study Collection I worked with the teaching collection and presented the archive to the public and internally to promote the project.

Project by Artist Nick Fox

Sept 2012 - September 2015

Production Assistant 

As a production assistant I was responsible for all administration

and events management including correspondence with the venues; volunteers; press, marketing and audience engagement.

The disco took places at three UK venues:

Antiuniversity Now Fetival

Panel Speaker

Discussion between five art spaces and collectives focused on diy*, gender and feminist politics in their self organised groups. Organised by Sophie Chapman and Kerri Jefferis and hosted by Althea Greenan at the Women’s Art Library.

Further details can be found here.

*do it yourself, do it with other, do it anyway.

Camera Observer, Tower Obsurca |March 2011


In colaboration with Archway Investigations and Responses [AiR Studio] students at of Byam Shaw (now CSM) explored the notion of staying* as a method of art practice. The physical, social, economic, political, historical, and mythical of Archway provided raw material for real-time dialogues, exchanges, experiments, and interventions. Myself and fellow XD pathway students offered camera obscura demonstrations on Archway's pavements, in locals shops, cafes, pubs, parks, and alleyways.

© Bryony Hussey 2024